第六篇 作贵重的器皿,同那清心呼求主的人,竭力追求公义、信、爱、和平

Being a Vessel unto Honor, and Pursuing Righteousness, Faith, Love, Peace with Those Who Call on the Lord out of a Pure Heart



壹 保罗在提后二章二十至二十一节说到,有贵重的器皿,也有卑贱的器皿:─引用经文

I. In 2 Timothy 2:20-21 Paul speaks of honorable and dishonorable vessels:

一 贵重的器皿是由神性,以及蒙救赎得重生的人性所构成;卑贱的器皿是由堕落的人性所构成─弗二2~3,彼后一4。

A. Honorable vessels are constituted of both the divine nature and the redeemed and regenerated human nature; dishonorable vessels are constituted of the fallen human nature—Eph. 2:2-3; 2 Pet. 1:4.

二 保罗在罗马九章二十一节说到贵重的器皿,在二十三节又说到蒙怜悯、预备得荣耀的器皿。─引用经文

B. In Romans 9:21 Paul speaks of vessels unto honor, and in Romans 9:23,of vessels of mercy prepared unto glory.

三 我们是预备得荣耀的贵重器皿,意即我们是被设计来盛装神作我们的尊贵和荣耀。

C. The fact that we are vessels of honor prepared unto glory means that we have been designed to contain God as our honor and glory.

四 神拣选我们,乃是要我们作被经过过程并终极完成之三一神充满的贵重器皿─21~23节,林后十三14。

D. God chose us so that we may be vessels of honor filled with the processed and consummated Triune God—vv. 21-23; 2 Cor. 13:14.

五 神要得着敞开的器皿─罗九23,林后四7:

E. God wants an open vessel—Rom. 9:23; 2 Cor. 4:7:

1 神的心意乃是要造一个器皿来盛装祂、彰显祂,因此神只要器皿是敞开的─提后二21,罗十一24。

1. God's intention was to create a vessel to contain Him and to express Him, so God only wants an opening of the vessel—2 Tim. 2:21; Rom. 11:24.

2 如果器皿是敞开的,神就能完成祂的定旨;但如果器皿是关闭的。神的定旨就会受到拦阻─西四3。

2. If the vessel is open, God can fulfill His purpose, but if the vessel is closed, God's purpose is frustrated—Col. 4:3.

3 神不要我们作什么;祂只要我们成为一个活的器皿,一个洁净、倒空并敞开的器皿。

3. God does not want us to do anything; He wants us only to be a living vessel, a clean,empty, and open vessel.

4 保罗的十四封书信可用一个辞来表达─“敞开的器皿”。

4. The summary of Paul's fourteen Epistles may be expressed in two words—open vessel.

六 我们若洁净自己,脱离卑贱的器皿,就必成为贵重的器皿─提后二21:

F. If we cleanse ourselves from vessels unto dishonor, we will be vessels unto honor— 2 Tim. 2:21:

1 洁净自己指离开不义(19),这是内在神圣性质的外在证据。─引用经文

1. To cleanse ourselves is to depart from unrighteousness (v. 19), as an outward evidence of the inward divine nature.

2 我们不但该洁净自己,脱离任何不义的事,也该脱离卑贱的器皿;这就是说,我们必须远离他们。

2. We should cleanse ourselves not only from anything unrighteous but also from the dishonorable vessels; this means that we must stay away from them.

3 我们若洁净自己,脱离这些消极的事和消极的人,就必成为贵重的器皿。

3. If we cleanse ourselves from these negative things and negative persons, we will be vessels unto honor.

4 在提后二章二十一节,“贵重”是性质的问题,“分别为圣”是地位的问题,“合乎……使用”是功用的问题,“预备”是训练的问题。─引用经文

4. In 2 Timothy 2:21 unto honor is a matter of nature, sanctified is a matter of position, useful is a matter of practice, and prepared is a matter of training.

贰 我们要竭力追求公义、信、爱、和平─22节:

II. We need to pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace—v. 22:

一 我们基督徒生活的管制原则,应当是竭力追求经历基督并享受基督─腓三12。

A. A governing principle of our Christian life should be pursuing the experience of Christ and the enjoyment of Christ—Phil. 3:12.

二 我们对基督的经历,乃在于神义的根基,这义是神宝座不可摇动的根基─诗八九14:

B. Our experience of Christ rests on the foundation of God's righteousness, the unshakable foundation of God's throne—Psa. 89:14:

1 圣别与神里面的性情有关,而公义与神外面的行动、作法、行为和活动有关─弗四24。

1. Whereas holiness is related to God's inward nature, righteousness is related to God's outward acts, ways, actions, and activities—Eph. 4:24.

2 神所作的一切都是对的─诗八九14。

2. Everything that God does is right—Psa. 89:14.

3 神的公义就是神在祂公平和公义之行动上的所是。

3. The righteousness of God is what God is in His actions with respect to justice and righteousness.

三 在新约中,“信”有两种意义─客观的与主观的:

C. In the New Testament faith bears two denotations—objective and subjective:

1 在客观的意义上,“信仰”是指新约关于基督的身位和祂救赎工作的全部启示─徒六7,十四22,罗十六26,林前十五14,提前一19下,犹3、20。

1. In the objective denotation, faith refers to the entire revelation of the New Testament concerning the person of Christ and His redemptive work—Acts 6:7; 14:22; Rom. 16:26; 1 Cor. 15:14; 1 Tim. 1:19b; Jude 3, 20.

2 在主观的意义上,“信”指相信的行动─路十八8,可十一22。

2. In the subjective denotation, faith refers to the act of believing—Luke 18:8; Mark 11:22.

3 因着信,我们由神而生,成为祂的儿子,有分于祂的生命和性情以彰显祂─加三26,约一12~13,彼后一4。

3. By faith we are born of God to be His sons, partaking of His life and nature to express Him—Gal. 3:26; John 1:12-13; 2 Pet. 1:4.

4 因着信基督,我们被放在基督里,成为祂身体的肢体,分享祂一切的所是,叫祂得着彰显─约三15,罗十二4~5。

4. By faith in Christ, we are put into Christ to become the members of His Body, sharing all that He is for His expression—John 3:15; Rom. 12:4-5.

5 真正的信乃是基督自己注入我们里面,成为我们相信祂的能力;主耶稣注入我们里面以后,就自然而然成为我们的信─来十一1、3,十二2。

5. Genuine faith is Christ Himself infused into us to become our ability to believe in Him; after the Lord Jesus has been infused into us, He spontaneously becomes our faith—Heb. 11:1, 3; 12:2.

6 在提前一章十九节,“信仰”是客观的,指我们相信的事物;本节开头的“信心”是主观的,指我们信的行动。─引用经文

6. The faith in 1 Timothy 1:19 is objective, referring to the things in which we believe, whereas faith at the beginning of this verse is subjective, referring to the act of our believing.

四 爱是神素质的性质─约壹四19:

D. Love is the nature of God's essence—1 John 4:19:

1 神圣的爱乃是神素质的属性,主要是彰显在差祂的儿子救赎我们,并将神的生命分赐到我们里面,使我们成为祂的儿女─约三16,约壹四9~10。

1. The divine love as God's essential attribute is mainly expressed in sending His Son to redeem us and impart God's life into us so that we may become His children—John 3:16; 1 John 4:9-10.

2 神就是爱;我们爱,因为神先爱我们─8、19节。

2. God is love; we love because He first loved us—vv. 8, 19.

3 爱就是神自己,住在爱里面,就是过着习惯地用这爱爱别人的生活─8节。

3. To abide in love is to live a life in which we love others habitually with the love that is God Himself—v. 8.

五 新约说到神的平安与平安的神─约二十19,弗二14,彼后一2:

E. The New Testament speaks about both the peace of God and the God of peace —John 20:19; Eph. 2:14; 2 Pet. 1:2:

1 论到平安的神,我们需要罗马十六章二十节和腓立比四章七节。─引用经文

1. Concerning the God of peace, we need Romans 16:20 and Philippians 4:7.

2 平安的神守卫我们的心,祂在基督耶稣里巡查我们的心怀意念─罗十五33,腓四9。

2. The God of peace guards over our hearts, and He patrols before our hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus—Rom. 15:33; Phil. 4:9.

3 神的平安与平安的神乃是一─帖前五23。

3. The peace of God and the God of peace are one—1 Thes. 5:23.

4 在我们的经历中,平安是恩典所产生的光景;恩典是本质,而平安是光景─林前一3。

4. In our experience peace is a condition that results from grace; grace is a substance, and peace is a condition—1 Cor. 1:3.

叁 我们都该作清心呼求主名的人─提后二22:

III. We all should be those who call on the name of the Lord out of a pure heart— 2 Tim. 2:22:

一 呼求主名不是新约的新作法,乃是开始于创世记四章二十六节,人类的第三代以挪士:─引用经文

A. Calling on the name of the Lord is not a new practice in the New Testament; it began with Enosh, the third generation of mankind, in Genesis 4:26:

1 接着有约伯(伯十二4,二七10)、亚伯拉罕(创十二8,十三4,二一33)、以撒(二六25)、摩西和以色列人(申四7);这些及其他许多人都在旧约时代呼求主名。─引用经文

1. Calling on the name of the Lord was continued by Job (Job 12:4; 27:10), Abraham (Gen. 12:8; 13:4; 21:33), Isaac (26:25), and Moses and the children of Israel (Deut. 4:7); all of these and many others practiced calling upon the Lord in the Old Testament age.

2 在新约里,彼得首次提起呼求主名:“那时,凡呼求主名的,就必得救”─徒二21。

2. In the New Testament, calling on the name of the Lord was mentioned first by Peter: "It shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved"—Acts 2:21.

3 根据行传七章五十九节,司提反被人用石头打的时候呼求主,说,“主耶稣,求你接收我的灵!”

3. According to Acts 7:59, when Stephen was being stoned, he was calling upon the Lord and saying, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit!"

4 我们传福音,帮助人得救时,需要鼓励他们呼求主名说,“哦,主耶稣”─参罗十9~13。

4. When we preach the gospel and help others to be saved, we need to encourage them to call on the name of the Lord and say, "O Lord Jesus"—cf. Rom. 10:9-13.

5 呼求主名乃是使我们不仅得救,更得以享受祂丰富的秘诀─弗一18,三16。

5. Calling on the name of the Lord is the secret not only to our salvation but also to our enjoyment of the Lord's riches—Eph. 1:18; 3:16.

二 提后二章二十二节说,我们要“清心呼求主”:─引用经文

B. Second Timothy 2:22 says that we need to "call on the Lord out of a pure heart":

1 在圣经里,清心的意思是只为着神。

1. In the Bible to be pure means to be only for God.

2 清心是将心定准于神─太五8。

2. A pure heart is a heart fixed on God—Matt. 5:8.

3 我们事奉主,是单纯的为着主,一点也不为着别的;我们该完全为着神─帖前五23。

3. In serving the Lord, we should be purely for Him and not for anything else; we should be wholly for God—1 Thes. 5:23.

4 我们所注意的,就是清心和呼求主─提后二22。

4. Our focus should be on calling on the Lord and having a pure heart—2 Tim. 2:22.
