第一篇 建立操练灵的习惯,将神赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来,借此活在神永远经纶的实际里,以完成这经纶

Living in the Reality of God's Eternal Economy for Its Fulfillment by Building Up a Habit of Exercising Our Spirit, Fanning Our God-given Spirit into Flame



壹 神永远的经纶乃是祂的家庭行政,要在基督里将祂自己分赐到祂所拣选的人里面,使祂得着一个家彰显祂自己,这家就是召会─基督的身体;神永远的经纶乃是祂永远的计划,而祂神圣的分赐乃是祂完成祂计划的凭借─提前一3~4,三15,罗十二5,弗一10,三8~9,二10:

I. God's eternal economy is His household administration to dispense Himself in Christ into His chosen people that He may have a house to express Himself, which house is the church, the Body of Christ; God's eternal economy is His eternal plan, and His divine dispensing is the means by which He accomplishes His plan—1 Tim. 1:3-4; 3:15; Rom. 12:5; Eph. 1:10; 3:8-9; 2:10:

一 基督是神经纶的中心、圆周、元素、范围、凭借、目标和目的;事实上,神永远经纶的一切内容就是基督─太十七5,弗三6,路二四44。

A. Christ is the center, circumference, element, sphere, means, goal, and aim of God's economy; in fact, all the contents of God's eternal economy are simply Christ— Matt. 17:5; Eph. 3:6; Luke 24:44.

二 除非我们认识神的经纶,否则我们就无法明白圣经;圣经的中心题目乃是神的经纶,整本圣经都是关乎神的经纶─45节,伯十13,参弗三9。

B. Unless we know God's economy, we will not understand the Bible; the central subject of the Bible is the economy of God, and the entire Bible is concerned with the economy of God—v. 45; Job 10:13; cf. Eph. 3:9.

三 神的经纶就是要将神自己分赐到我们里面,使我们这人由祂的所是构成;这唯有借着神将祂自己这神圣的生命分赐到我们里面,才能完成─约十10,十四6上,林前十五45下,罗八2、6、10~11。

C. God's economy is to dispense Himself into our being so that our being may be constituted with His being; this can be accomplished only by God's dispensing Himself into us as the divine life—John 10:10; 14:6a; 1 Cor. 15:45b; Rom. 8:2, 6, 10-11.

四 新约职事中的领导,乃是神所赐关于神永远经纶那控制之启示的领导─徒二六19,箴二九18。

D. The leadership in the New Testament ministry is the leadership of the controlling, God-given revelation of God's eternal economy—Acts 26:19; Prov. 29:18.

五 与神的经纶不同的教训,使我们离开对那位作我们生命和一切的主耶稣基督这宝贵人位真正的珍赏、爱和享受(林后十一2~3);异议者不同的教训(提前一3)引起信徒中间的嫉妒与不合,这违反使徒关于留在神经纶教训里之嘱咐的目的(目标),就是爱(5,约十三34,加五13~14)。─引用经文

E. Different teachings other than God's economy separate us from the genuine appreciation,love, and enjoyment of the precious person of the Lord Jesus Christ as our life and our everything (2 Cor. 11:2-3); the different teachings of the dissenting ones (1 Tim. 1:3) caused envy and discord among the believers, which are contrary to love, the end (the objective and purpose) of the apostle's charge to remain in the teaching of God's economy (v. 5; John 13:34; Gal. 5:13-14).

六 神的神圣分赐把信徒作成神,使他们在生命和性情上,但不在神格上,成为神,好建造召会作基督的身体,并预备基督的新妇,以引进基督的国;为这缘故,神来成为一个人,使祂自己“人化”了;然后祂将自己作为生命分赐到我们里面,使我们在祂的生命和性情上“神化”了,但无分于祂的神格。

F. God's divine dispensing deifies the believers, making them God in life and nature but not in the Godhead for the building up of the church as the Body of Christ and for the preparation of the bride of Christ to usher in the kingdom of Christ; for this purpose God became a man to "man-ize" Himself; then He dispenses Himself as life into us to "God-ize" us in His life and nature but not in His Godhead.

七 神在祂经纶里的目的,是要把祂自己在祂神圣的三一─父、子、灵─里,分赐到祂所拣选的人里面;神在时间里唯一的目标,是要把祂自己一天过一天地分赐到我们里面。

G. God's intention in His economy is to dispense Himself in His Divine Trinity— the Father, the Son, and the Spirit—into His chosen people; God's only goal in time is to dispense Himself into us day by day.

贰 在神原初心意的“蓝图”里,人是整个宇宙的中心,而人的中心乃是他的灵─亚十二1,创二7,箴二十27:

II. In the "blueprint" of God's original intention, man is the center of the entire universe, and the center of man is his spirit—Zech. 12:1; Gen. 2:7; Prov. 20:27:

一 诸天是为着地,地是为着人,神给人造了灵,使人可以接触神,接受神,盛装神,敬拜神,活神,为神完成神的定旨,彰显神,并与神成为一─约四24,林前六17。

A. The heavens are for the earth, the earth is for man, and man was created by God with a spirit that he may contact God, receive God, contain God, worship God, live God, fulfill God's purpose for God, express God, and be one with God—John 4:24; 1 Cor. 6:17.

二 神若不是灵,我们若没有灵来接触神,与神成为一,整个宇宙就是空洞的,我们也一无所是─传一2,三11,伯三二8,十二10,林后四13、16~18。

B. Without God being the Spirit and without us having a spirit to contact God, to be one with God, the whole universe is empty, and we are nothing—Eccl. 1:2; 3:11; Job 32:8; 12:10; 2 Cor. 4:13, 16-18.

三 由于人的堕落,人不仅疏忽并忽略人的灵,甚至拒绝承认人有灵─帖前五23,来四12,参犹19。

C. Due to the fall, men have not only overlooked and neglected the human spirit but also have even refused to admit that man has a spirit—1 Thes. 5:23; Heb. 4:12; cf. Jude 19.

四 人是器皿,原该借着操练他的灵,接受在基督里的神作为生命树,使生命如同河在人的最深处流进流出,使他得变化成为宝贵的材料,为着神的建造,就是神永远的彰显─创一26,二7~12、22,提前四7~8:

D. Man as a vessel, through the exercise of his spirit, was to receive God in Christ as the tree of life so that life as a river would flow in and out of his innermost being for his transformation into precious materials for God's building, God's eternal expression—Gen. 1:26; 2:7-12, 22; 1 Tim. 4:7-8:

1 神的气成了我们人的灵,我们的灵乃是神的灯,以盛装神作油,并给我们亮光─创二7,箴二十27。

1. The breath of God has become our human spirit, and our spirit is God's lamp to contain God as the oil and to give us light—Gen. 2:7; Prov. 20:27.

2 人的灵因着堕落,成了残破的灯,但借着神在祂救恩里的恢复,人的灵由那赐生命且七倍加强的灵所重生、重建并加强─创二7,箴二十27,约三6,启四5,林前十五45下。

2. Man's spirit became a broken lamp through his fall, but through God's recovery in His salvation, man's spirit is regenerated, rebuilt, and reinforced with the vivifying, sevenfold intensified Spirit—Gen. 2:7; Prov. 20:27; John 3:6; Rev. 4:5; 1 Cor. 15:45b.

3 人里面的中央政府并最重要的部分应当是他的灵;一个受自己的灵管治并支配的人就是属灵的人─二14~15,三1,十四32,林后二12~15,弗三16,彼前三4,但六3、10。

3. The central government and most prominent part of man's being should be his spirit; a man who is ruled and controlled by his spirit is a spiritual man— 2:14-15; 3:1; 14:32; 2 Cor. 2:12-15; Eph. 3:16; 1 Pet. 3:4; Dan. 6:3, 10.

五 神的经纶战略、中心的点,乃是神圣的灵住在我们人的灵里,二者调和一起成为一灵,就是调和的灵─约三6,四24,罗八16,林后三17,提后四22,林前六17,提前一4,林后四13:

E. The strategic and central point of God's economy is the divine Spirit dwelling in our human spirit and the two mingled together as one spirit, the mingled spirit— John 3:6; 4:24; Rom. 8:16; 2 Cor. 3:17; 2 Tim. 4:22; 1 Cor. 6:17; 1 Tim. 1:4; 2 Cor. 4:13:

1 完成神经纶伟大的路,乃是我们借着操练我们的灵,照着那灵生活并作一切的事─伯十13,弗三9,罗八4,加五25。

1. The great way to fulfill God's economy is for us to live and do everything according to the Spirit by exercising our spirit—Job 10:13; Eph. 3:9; Rom. 8:4; Gal. 5:25.

2 每当我们转向我们的灵,并操练我们的灵,我们就摸着基督的身体,因为基督的身体乃是在我们灵里─弗一17,二22,三5、16,四23,五18,六18。

2. Whenever we turn to our spirit and exercise our spirit, we touch the Body, because the Body is in our spirit—Eph. 1:17; 2:22; 3:5, 16; 4:23; 5:18; 6:18.

3 当我们在灵里,我们就胜过世界,我们不能犯罪,那恶者也不能摸我们,并且我们蒙保守,远避偶像─约壹五4、18~19、21,约十四30。

3. When we are in our spirit, we overcome the world, we cannot sin, the evil one cannot touch us, and we are guarded from idols—1 John 5:4, 18-19, 21; John 14:30.

叁 接受神圣三一的神圣分赐并作这分赐的管道,使圣徒们在生命里长大并享受基督,关键乃是操练我们的灵,就是将神所赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来─腓一25,提前四7~8,提后一6~7,四22,徒六10,林前十四32:

III. The key to receiving the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity and being a channel of this dispensing for the saints' growth in life and their enjoyment of Christ is to exercise our spirit, which is to fan our God-given spirit into flame—Phil. 1:25; 1 Tim. 4:7-8; 2 Tim. 1:6-7; 4:22; Acts 6:10; 1 Cor. 14:32:

一 敬虔是彰显神的生活,是为着神圣经纶之神圣分赐的结果,这分赐是在于操练我们的灵,在日常生活中活基督,使神在召会生活中得着团体的显出─提前一3~4,三15~16,四7~8,提后一6~7。

A. Godliness, a living that is the expression of God, is the issue of the divine dispensing for the divine economy, and this dispensing depends on the exercise of our spirit to live Christ in our daily life for the corporate manifestation of God in the church life—1 Tim. 1:3-4; 3:15-16; 4:7-8; 2 Tim. 1:6-7.

二 “操练”这辞含示勉强;我们基督徒若要刚强并在主里长大,就必须勉强自己用我们的灵,直到我们建立起操练灵的坚强习惯─提前四7。

B. The word exercise implies forcing; if we Christians want to be strong and want to grow in the Lord, we must force ourselves to use our spirit until we build up a strong habit of exercising our spirit—1 Tim. 4:7.

三 操练我们的灵,就是将我们的灵如火挑旺起来─提后一6~7:

C. To exercise our spirit is to fan our spirit into flame—2 Tim. 1:6-7:

1 六节说到“神的恩赐”,七节指明神赐给我们的乃是我们重生的灵,就是我们调和的灵,这灵乃是能力、爱并清明自守的灵;因此,神的恩赐就是神所赐给我们的灵。─引用经文

1. Second Timothy 1:6 refers to "the gift of God," and verse 7 indicates that what God has given us is our regenerated spirit, our mingled spirit, of power, of love, and of sobermindedness; thus, the gift of God is our God-given spirit.

2 我们得救的人有本钱过基督徒生活和召会生活;这本钱乃是神所赐给我们的灵。

2. We saved ones have the capital to live the Christian life and the church life, and this capital is our God-given spirit.

3 在我们那有圣灵内住之重生的灵里有火;事实上,我们的灵就是火─路十二49~50,罗十二11,启四5,箴二十27。

3. Fire is in our regenerated spirit, which is indwelt by the Holy Spirit; actually, our spirit is the fire—Luke 12:49-50; Rom. 12:11; Rev. 4:5; Prov. 20:27.

四 我们要操练我们的灵,就必须对付那包围我们灵之魂的各部分─我们的心思、情感和意志─参彼前三4:

D. To exercise our spirit, we must deal with the parts of our soul surrounding our spirit—our mind, emotion, and will—cf. 1 Pet. 3:4:

1 能力的灵乃是灵带着被征服并复活的意志,爱的灵乃是灵带着被神这爱所充满的情感,清明自守的灵乃是灵带着被更新的心思─提后一7。

1. A spirit of power is a spirit with a subdued and resurrected will, a spirit of love is a spirit with an emotion filled with God as love, and a spirit of sobermindedness is a spirit with a renewed mind—2 Tim. 1:7.

2 我们亲爱的主耶稣是我们魂的牧人和监督;我们的魂是我们内里的所是─真人位;主借着顾到我们里面各部分的益处,并监督我们真人位的光景,而牧养我们─彼前二25,诗二三1~6,参来十三17。

2. Our dear Lord Jesus is the Shepherd and Overseer of our souls; our soul is our inner being, our real person; our Lord shepherds us by caring for the welfare of our inner being and by exercising His oversight over the condition of our real person—1 Pet. 2:25; Psa. 23:1-6; cf. Heb. 13:17.

3 因着操练灵是联于我们魂的各部分,并且对于活在神经纶的实际中极为重要,我们就需要凭着“坚固门徒的魂”而与我们主天上的职事合作─徒十四22。

3. Because the exercise of the spirit is linked to the parts of our soul and is so vital to living in the reality of God's economy, we need to cooperate with our Lord in His heavenly ministry by "establishing the souls of the disciples"— Acts 14:22.

4 坚固门徒的魂就是:㈠坚固他们的心思,使他们认识并领会主和关于主的事(林前二16,腓三10);㈡坚固他们的情感,使他们爱主并有心为着主的权益(可十二30,罗十六4);㈢坚固他们的意志,使他们刚强与主同在,行主所喜悦的事(徒十一23,西一10,帖前四1)。─引用经文

4. To establish the souls of the disciples is to establish them (1) in their mind, that they may know and understand the Lord and the things concerning Him (1 Cor. 2:16; Phil. 3:10); (2) in their emotion, that they may love the Lord and have a heart for the Lord's interest (Mark 12:30; Rom. 16:4); and (3) in their will, that they may be strong to remain with the Lord and do the things that please the Lord (Acts 11:23; Col. 1:10; 1 Thes. 4:1).

五 操练我们的灵,将神赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来,乃是要常常喜乐,不住地祷告,凡事谢恩,以享受内住的灵作为在基督里作一切事的秘诀─林后十二2上,腓四11~13,诗九一1,帖前五16~18。

E. To exercise our spirit, to fan our God-given spirit into flame, is to rejoice always, pray unceasingly, and give thanks in everything in order to enjoy the indwelling Spirit as the secret of doing all things in Christ—2 Cor. 12:2a; Phil. 4:11-13; Psa. 91:1; 1 Thes. 5:16-18.

六 操练我们的灵,将神赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来,乃是将我们的心思置于灵─罗八6,玛二15~16:

F. To exercise our spirit, to fan our God-given spirit into flame, is to set our mind on the spirit—Rom. 8:6; Mal. 2:15-16:

1 当我们将心思置于灵,我们就有内里生命平安的感觉,就是刚强、饱足、安息、释放、活泼、滋润、明亮和舒适的感觉。

1. When we set our mind on the spirit, we have the inner sense of life and peace, the sense of strength, satisfaction, rest, release, liveliness, watering, brightness, and comfort.

2 当我们将心思置于肉体,我们就有内里死的感觉,就是软弱、虚空、不适、不安、下沉、枯干、黑暗和痛苦的感觉。

2. When we set our mind on the flesh, we have the inner sense of death, the sense of weakness, emptiness, uneasiness, restlessness, depression, dryness, darkness, and pain.

3 我们基督徒的生活不是按照对错的标准,乃是照着灵,并且我们凭着内里生命平安的感觉认识灵─罗八6,林后二13~14。

3. Our Christian life is not according to the standard of right and wrong but according to the inner sense of life and peace in our spirit—Rom. 8:6; 2 Cor. 2:13-14.

七 操练我们的灵,将神赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来,乃是辨明我们的灵与魂─来四12:

G. To exercise our spirit, to fan our God-given spirit into flame, is to discern our spirit from our soul—Heb. 4:12:

1 我们应当一直保持警觉,辨明并拒绝一切不是出于灵,而是出于魂,出于己的事─太十六25,参路九25。

1. We should always be on the alert to discern and deny anything that is not of the spirit but of the soul, the self—Matt. 16:25; cf. Luke 9:25.

2 我们的一切所是、所有并所作,都必须在灵里;神之于我们的一切,都是在我们的灵里─罗二28~29,一9,八4,十二11。

2. Whatever we are, whatever we have, and whatever we do must be in spirit; everything that God is to us is in our spirit—Rom. 2:28-29; 1:9; 8:4; 12:11.

八 操练我们的灵,将神赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来,就是借着同那些清心呼求主的人追求基督,而过正常的召会生活,并胜过召会的堕落─提后二22。

H. To exercise our spirit, to fan our God-given spirit into flame, is to live the normal church life and overcome the church's degradation by pursuing Christ with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart—2 Tim. 2:22.

九 操练我们的灵,将神赐给我们的灵如火挑旺起来,乃是为着神的权益─基督、神的国以及神的家─作为神永远经纶的目标,有个人倾心吐意的祷告、亲近神─一6~8,提前一3~4,二1~3、8,王上八48,犹19~21。

I. To exercise our spirit, to fan our God-given spirit into flame, is to pray, to approach God in a personal and confiding manner, for the interests of God—Christ, the kingdom of God, and the house of God—as the goal in God's eternal economy—1:6-8; 1 Tim. 1:3-4; 2:1-3, 8; 1 Kings 8:48; Jude 19-21.
